Giving women basic rights is one of the important pillars of Islam. Saman Abid

KARACHI: Saman Abid, a well-known marketing agency owner said that giving women basic rights is one of the most important pillars of Islam. The one who brought her up has been declared deserving of Paradise. The right of inheritance has been fixed for the woman. She has been given the right of dowry.

Quran repeatedly commands to treat women in a better way. The woman was given the glad tidings of Paradise under her feet, but in spite of all these ranks and honors, She was not obliged to stay at home and forget her abilities but full freedom was given to her if Allah has endowed her with abilities, she can use these abilities for the betterment of herself and the society. A woman can get higher education and not only improve her family but can carry out the work of the nation and at the same time can work for the reform and development of the nation.

March 8, On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Saman Abid, said in a press statement that a woman can do all the work that a man can do if needed. She said that Islam is a religion that gives all rights to women very generously. She further said that women should also follow the teachings of Islam and live life according to Islam because we all have a duty to follow Islamic teachings.

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