Book: Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Review by Zaheer Ul Islam Shahab

According to Zaheer Ul Islam Shahab, a young Intellectual enthusiast, this enlightening read offers valuable lessons for your future.

As our species slowly adapts in a swiftly changing world, we encounter numerous challenges. Many of our instincts no longer suit the present world, and significant actors — ranging from nextdoor neighbors to multinational corporations, media, and governments — exploit this gap. They compel us to rely solely on these instincts, often leading to poor decision-making.

Hans discusses ten key instincts: The Gap, Negativity, Straight Line, Fear, Size, Generalization, Destiny, Single Perspective, Blame, and Urgency Instinct. While some of these instincts are not inherently negative, failing to train ourselves to understand their functioning leaves us susceptible to their unconscious influence.

This book delves into how these instincts operate and guides readers on how to effectively utilize or discard them. It offers insights into the world’s reality and addresses why our perceptions often diverge from it. The book empowers readers to cultivate a more positive, less stressed, and hopeful outlook as they re-engage with the world beyond the metaphorical circus tent.

Zaheer Ul Islam Shahab, suggests that , If your priority lies in accuracy over complacency, if you’re open to reshaping your worldview, if you’re prepared for critical thinking to replace instinctive reactions, and if you’re curious, humble, and eager for transformative experiences, I encourage you to read it.

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